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What are the advantages of using the conception of archive by Michel Foucault and Mikhail Bakhtin?

Iz Wikiverza

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I am inviting those with graduate level knowledge of humanities and/or theories of discourse to participate in the creation and execution of an "open e-learning course [1]". Tu put it as simply as possible, I propose us to revisit the works of Foucault in order to prepare a sustainable - self-organizing? - online course, which would be free to use for everybody. I would like you to help me rethink and transform the Foucault's work into a useful introduction to Foucauldian approach that is itself useful in humanities today. Your personal research projects are, as far as I can see, the measure of the viability of the Foucauldian approach.

I am involved in the Open Education Workshop that will take place from 2nd to 6th July in at the premises of the University of Nova Gorica Vipava, Slovenia. Just before these dates or in this period I propose e.g. three working meetings to configure and initiate the course - my idea is to possibly make it a "learning community" with documentation (later, or persistently ...) available online (maybe on Wikiversity).

We would start from a "Research Question": What are the advantages of using the conception of archive by Michel Foucault and Mikhail Bakhtin?

Dr Aleš Vaupotič, University of Nova Gorica

Coordination of meetings

Time and location Themes of the meeting Participants (live in person or telepresently)
1st Please, (re)read the "L'ordre du discours" text. Think about similar theories. What do you know about Mikhail Bakhitn?
3rd Besedilo celice Besedilo celice Besedilo celice



Open resource copyrght


There is a problem with source texts - the students might have to find the texts in lending libraries? These resources cannot be digitized?!



M. Foucault. L’Archéologie du savoir. Paris: Gallimard, March 1969. <http://monoskop.org/images/b/b7/Foucault_Michel_L_archeologie_du_savoir.pdf> <http://monoskop.org/images/9/90/Foucault_Michel_Archaeology_of_Knowledge.pdf> (It is translated into virtually all major languages.)

M. Foucault. ("L'ordre du discours", 1970.) Inaugural lecture given at Collège de France on 2 Dec 1970. <http://monoskop.org/images/7/78/Foucault_Michel_1970_1981_The_Order_of_Discourse.pdf> <http://1libertaire.free.fr/Foucault64.html>

List of participants

Name/Pseudonym Role
Dr Aleš Vaupotič the initiator
mentor from Open Education for a Better World
mentor from Open Education for a Better World
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  1. [...] in different languages [English and/or Slovene]