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Archive in Fine Arts and Literature / Arhiv v likovni umetnosti in literaturi

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Form the call:

Design and implement an open e-learning course that will unlock potentials and bring benefits to many at no cost for participants. Applications from all over the world for courses in different languages are expected.


Communication Artifact as an Archive: The Proposal / Komunikacijski artefakt kot arhiv

  • 1. Meaning of the word “archive” in art
  • 1.1 The concept of the archive in the work of Michel Foucault and Mikhail Bakhtin and the production of archive art
  • 1.2 Digital Archives – the database as a material medium and a cultural form (Lev Manovich)
  • 1.3 Aesthetics of archive in historical avant-gardas and neoavantgards (Benjamin H. D. Buchloh)
  • 1.3.1 “Institutional critique”
  • 1.4 Different approaches to archive art
  • 1.5 Reality as archive – nanotechnology and algorithmic revolution
  • 2.1 The photographic realism of the 19th century in the tension between “realism” and “nominalism”
  • 2.2 Synthetic realism (Lev Manovich)
  • 3 “The allegorical gaze” of Walter Benjamin
  • 3.1 Adorno’s rejection of Benjamin
  • 3.2 György Lukács and Benjamin
  • 3.3 “The idea” of tragic drama (Trauerspiel)
  • 3.4 Srečo Dragan: Rotas Axis Mundi (1995/96)
  • 3.5 Computer data processing, semiosis and language (David Link)
  • 4 Philosophical pragmaticism and realist discourse – Hans Vilmar Geppert: Der realistische Weg
  • 4.1 The concept of crisis and (literary) realism of the 19th century
  • 1 Pomeni pojma »arhiv« v umetnosti
  • 1.1 Pojem arhiva pri Michelu Foucaultu in Mihailu Bahtinu ter produkcija arhivske umetnosti
  • 1.2 Digitalni arhivi – podatkovna zbirka kot materialni nosilec in kulturna oblika (Lev Manovič)
  • 1.3 Estetika arhiva v historičnih avantgardah in neoavantgardah (Benjamin H. D. Buchloh)
  • 1.3.1 »Institucionalna kritika«
  • 1.4 Različni pristopi v umetnosti arhiva
  • 1.5 Dejanskost kot arhiv – nanotehnologija in algoritmična revolucija
  • 2.1 Fotografski realizem 19. stoletja v napetosti med »realizmom« in »nominalizmom«
  • 2.2 Sintetični realizem (Lev Manovič)
  • 3 »Alegorični pogled« Walterja Benjamina
  • 3.1 Adornovo zavračanje Benjamina
  • 3.2 Lukács in Benjamin
  • 3.3 »Ideja« žaloigre
  • 3.4 Srečo Dragan: Rotas Axis Mundi (1995/96)
  • 3.5 Računalniška obdelava podatkov, semoza in jezik (David Link)
  • 4 Filozofski pragmaticizem in realistični diskurz – Hans Vilmar Geppert: Der realistische Weg
  • 4.1 Kriznost in (literarno)umetnostni realizem 19. stoletja


  • Open Educational Resources (OER) - content, license
  • Open Learning
  • Massive open online course (MOOC)
  • Open e-learning course



Questions and answers ...

1. Is there a course description available that discussed what the course outcomes or objectives are?
Content (Syllabus outline): The course combines theories of archive in the arts and humanities as well as the concept of a new media object as a unity of a plurality of interfaces to a database of multimedia material.
Objectives and competences: Knowing the theory of archive art, institutional critique and new media art; knowledge of the theory of literary realism as a version of the theory of archive, based on pragmaticism of C. S. Peirce; an overview of the fundamental concepts of the theory of discourse.
Intended learning outcomes: Learn the basic concepts of archival discourse, as it occurs in the field of literature, contemporary fine arts, and in conceptual art. The notion of the archive in the frameworks of the theory of a new media object. To be able to autonomously design a transformation between an archive and a digital database, which is suitable for algorithmic processing with computers. Participants will be qualified for critical reflection of the semiosis in computer media.
Prerequisites: the course is aimed at the first bologna cycle graduates (180 ECTS, three years) or more in one of the disciplines in humanities.
Target audience: To initiate a sustainable learning community?!

2. Is this project for converting your existing course to an open, online course?
Yes. My idea is to follow the tradition of public lectures, which is (or used to be?) a tradition in Slovenia - the lectures are open for everyone to attend, however the seminars or tutorials are not. So, A university lecture teaching format is the model of open education in this case.

3. If the course is overly-dependent on commercial material not available as OER, maybe there is a module we could design for the course?
Not sure about this issue. Some material is in public domain, <https://archive.org/details/GesammelteSchriftenBd.1>

4. I have designed modules in the past for humanities courses that provide students with information and resources to help them with the course. Such modules usually address deficiencies in students writing or knowledge of background material. Is there something that you wish your students to know or do before they take your course?
I suggest building from the (Research) Questions / (Znanstvena) Vprašanja as modules. We could organize one in the week in July.

I worry a lot about the sustainability of such an endeavour, the economics of the exchange. I believe that the university teaching should reach out and invite interested individuals and parties to join in the learning process. A possible way of doing this would be to organize reading groups that are lead by the professor, who is supported by a teaching assistant, who encourages participants to interact and develop the knowledge further. Students as facilitators (<http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/22441/1/students_as_facilitators.pdf>). Dora García: The Joycean Society <https://universes.art/venice-biennale/2013/tour/piac-dora-garcia/>.

  • A "learning community"? Digital communities at the Ars Electronica <https://www.aec.at/prix/en/kategorien/digital-communities/>
  • Finding active course participants/students
  • Time management without a timetable (user's activity, Doodle ...)
    • "I have read"
      • a book
      • 2 or more articles
      • a journal article
      • other (attended a public presentation, followed daily news, social media, blog, online video ...)
    • Rating of usefulness/quality of individual contributions
      • useful
      • off-topic
      • spam
  • Moodle with additional functionality?
  • Arnes Vox <https://www.arnes.si/services/multimedia/vox-web-conferences/>
  • Donations
  • Teacher's reimbursement (paid exams)
    • value:
      • personal contact
      • schoolfriends
      • group dynamics
    • dichotomies:
      • stand-up commedy performance vs. special
      • Boris Benčič: paintings vs. video document of their destruction
      • Miles Davis, Tutu: concert vs, recorded album ? youtu be/6XnLblYNfIg

(Research) Questions / (Znanstvena) Vprašanja

Question Vprašanje
What are the advantages of using the conception of archive by Michel Foucault and Mikhail Bakhtin? Kakšne so prednosti uporabe koncepta arhiva, kot ga zasnujeta Michel Foucault in Mihail Bahtin?
What are the differences between an archive and a computer database? Kakšna je razlika med arhivom in računalniško podatkovno zbirko
How is the idea of archive used in historical avant-gardes and neoavantgards? Kako se uporablja koncept arhiva v historičnih avantgardah in v neoavantgardah?
How can reality be construed as an archive? Kako razumeti resničnost kot arhiv?
Is realism in photography realist or nominalist (Allan Sekula)? Je realizem v fotografiji realističen ali nominalističen (Allan Sekula)?
What is the synthetic realism of Lev Manovich? Kaj je sintetični realizem Leva Manoviča?
What is the role of archive in Walter Benjamin's allegorical gaze? Kakna je vloga arhiva v alegorinem pogledu Walterja Benjamina?
What is the role of archive in pragmaticism of Charles Sanders Peirce? Kakšna je vloga arhiva v pragmaticizmu Charlesa Sandersa Peircea?
(GOOGLE TRANSLATE --) The following will present some of today's relevant archival perspectives on the reality: "archeology of knowledge" as a theoretical model, examples of digital archives, artistic and historical view of the "aesthetics of the archives" as a phenomenon of the 20th century, a fan of contemporary uses of the concept of archives in art and the reconceptualization of the reality of the archive model at micro and macro level. Before concluding the discussion of Benjamin's theory of allegory, which is a link between the theory of the archive and the theory of technical media, two typical examples of the use of the expression of realism in the field of photography (Allan Sekula) and in the field of new media (Manovič) will be presented. (-- GOOGLE TRANSLATE) V nadaljevanju bodo predstavljene nekatere od danes relevantnih arhivskih perspektiv na dejanskost: »arheologija vednosti« kot teoretski model, primeri digitalnih arhivov, umetnostnozgodovinski pogled na »estetiko arhiva« kot pojav 20. stoletja, pahljača sodobnih rab koncepta arhiva v umetnosti ter rekonceptualizacija dejanskosti sáme prek modela arhiva na mikro in makro ravni. Pred sklepno obravnavo Benjaminove teorije alegorije, ki je vez med teorijo arhiva in teorijo tehničnih medijev, bosta predstavljena dva značilna primera rabe izraza realizem na področju fotografije (Allan Sekula) in na področju novih medijev (Manovič).


  • Author: Dr. Aleš Vaupotič, Univerza v Novi Gorici, Slovenia, his research subjects are realism in literature and in other arts, theory of discourse (M. Foucault, M. Bakhtin), new historicism, semiotics (C. S. Peirce), media theory and media history;, theory and methodology of digital humanites. Curator in the field of new media art. Artist in the field of video and new media.
  • Lead Mentor: Geoffrey Cain, Green River College. He is a Community College teacher and an Education Consultant interested in instructional design, online learning, connectivism, MOOCs, open education resources, and open textbooks and anything else that will lower costs and help broaden the access to education for students. Specialties: teaching, learning, Adult Basic Education, OER, open education resources, open textbooks, instructional design, 21st Century Skills, elearning, collaborative learning, connectivism.
  • Co-Mentor: Dr Cynthia Yuan Gao, Director of Open Educational Resources Lab, Senior Researcher at Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University. Her main research interests include development and implication of OER, instructional design, teaching and learning in smart learning environment, educational technology, educational psychology, and foreign/second language learning and instruction. Based on her wide-ranging interests, she has a number of publications on the relevant disciplines. Since 2016, she attended and led a series of academic/research activities under the framework of ‘Belt and Road’ initiatives proposed by Chinese government. She contributed to a number of publications related to open educational resources, and attended to establish an international community of OER, which includes more than 60 organizations from 43 countries.


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