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Iz Wikiverza

Ta stran opisuje osnove dela z wiki-kodo.

Osnovna stvar, ki jo moraš poznati pri delu na Wikiverzi: rdeča povezava kaže na stran, ki še ne obstaja; modra povezava kaže na že obstoječo stran; bledo modra povezava kaže na stran na drugem projektu Fundacije Wikimedia; povezava take oblike pa je zunanja povezava, kaže na neko spletno stran.

Kako urediti neko stran na Wikiverzi? Upoštevaj te korake:

  • Pojdi na želeno stran, kar lahko narediš na dva načina:
    • z vnosom naslova strani (pazi na velike začetnice!) v iskalnik v zgornjem levem kotu zaslona ali v navigacijsko vrstico svojega brskalnika;
    • ali pa s klikom na notranjo povezavo do članka, ki si jo našel na neki drugi slovenske Wikiverze;
  • Klikni na ustvari ali uredi (to je odvisno od tega, ali želena stran že obstaja ali jo boš šele ustvaril);
  • Napiši ali uredi besedilo v urejevalnem oknu;
  • Z miško se pomakni dol, klikni na okence Povzetek urejanja in opiši spremembe, ki si jih naredil v prejšnjem koraku;
  • Po potrebi klikni na Prikaži predogled, če si želiš spremenjeno stran, še preden jo shraniš. Nato klikni Shrani stran in počakaj, da se odpre stran s tvojimi spremembami.

Basic wiki mark up


First of all, you don't have to use any mark up if you don't want to. Just remember that you need to skip a line when you want a line break.

And do not indent your paragraphs unless you want your text to appear like this.

Here are the basic characters: wikilinks [[]], section heads == Section name == , bullet points "*", list points "#", indentations ":"

  • wiki links are created by double brackets [[your target page name]]. The page name is case-sensitive, except for the first letter; i.e. This link and this link point to the same page, but THIS LINK is a different page.
  • Sections and subsections are marked as == Section name == , === subsection name , ====subsub name====, etc
  • Bullets are marked with asterisks (*)
    • You can create sub-bullets with multiple asterisks (**)
    • bullet points can be threaded
  1. A numbered list can be created with the "sharp" character "#"
  2. You need to make sure that you don't skip a line
  1. or else your numbering restarts at 1 when you skip a line
    1. a numbered list can be threaded
      • even with a bullet list

Threaded discussions


A threaded discussion can also be carried out with indentations

To reply to the first comment, use a colon ":"
To reply to the previous comment, add one more colon like this "::"

The markup for the previous section


The following is the wiki-markup for the previous section. The text is sandwiched between two html-tags <pre> </pre>.

==Basic wiki mark up==
First of all, you don't have to use any mark up if you don't want to. 
Just remember that you need to skip a line when you want a line break.

 And do not indent your paragraphs unless you want your text to appear like this.

Here are the basic characters: wikilinks <tt>[[]]</tt>, section heads <tt>== Section name ==</tt> , bullet points "*", list points "#", indentations ":"
*[[wiki links]] are created by double brackets <tt>[[your target page name]]</tt>.  The page name is case-sensitive, except for the first letter; i.e. [[This link]] and [[this link]] point to the same page, but [[THIS LINK]] is a different page.
*Sections and subsections are marked as <tt>== Section name ==</tt> , <tt>=== subsection name</tt> , <tt> ====subsub name====</tt>, etc
*Bullets are marked with asterisks (*)
**You can create sub-bullets with multiple asterisks (**)
**bullet points can be threaded

# A numbered list can be created with the "sharp" character "#"
# You need to make sure that you don't skip a line

# or else your numbering restarts at 1 when you skip a line
## a numbered list can be threaded
##* even with a bullet list

===Threaded discussions===
A threaded discussion can also be carried out with indentations

: To reply to the first comment, use a colon ":"

:: To reply to the previous comment, add one more colon like this "::"



To sign your name on your comments, simply type four tildes like this: ~~~~, or press the button lining the top of your edit box. The program will generate your signature for you.


External links, i.e. urls, can be written directly, for example, as "http://example.com". It can also be displayed as a simple icon with [http://example.com] rendered as [1]. A description can be added to the icon with the wiki-text [http://example.com YOUR TEXT] rendered as YOUR TEXT.

Final hints


If you have any problems, try to look for a page that you like and press the "edit" button.
If you want to ask questions, press the "history" botton on the top to find some experienced wiki-writers.
In case you are lost (yes, that happens), ask at Wikiversity:Babel

Further reading
