Day of Miran Hladnik 2009

Iz Wikiverza

As I am going to get to computer as early as in the evening of March 18th, let me now explain the tasks I have to fulfill during the day. I get up at 6 and start the consultancies at the university at 8.30. 9.40-11.10 I conduct a seminar work with the students of the 4th class. This is the third year of our projet Slovene literary schollars for Wikipedia. Three bio-bibliographical articles, written and put on Wikipedia by students in advance are presented during one session, commented and corrected by students colleagues and me. I find Wikipedia, Wikisource etc. extraordinary important tools in the education; you are welcome to comment my conclusions about the topic in the paper published on Wikimedia.

At 13.00 I am a part of the official audience at the “habilitation lecture” at the University of Maribor, one hour and a half ride away from Ljubljana where I work. The lectrice Urška Perenič, an excellent student of mine, who applied for a professorship there, is going to talk about literary research between essentialism and relativism (Towards media-oriented systems approach to literature). A couple of days ago I have announced the event in the Slovlit discussion forum that I moderate since 1999 and aggregates 1200 memebers, predominantly philologists. Urška is a devoted follower of Siegfried J. Schmidt and Gebhard Rusch and has a rare ability to prove the abstract theoretical premisses with large quantities of positive literary data.

In the evening, when I come back home, I am going to work on my book about the Slovene historical novel, that has to be finished till the end of April. It is the privilege of a small literature that enables the statistical analysis of the complete corpus (357 novels by 147 authors from 1845 till today). Just one of the interesting findings: historical narrative is in average 20.000 words longer than another great genre, rural story, however, the authors who preferred writing rural story above historical novel, wrote rural stories which were longer than their historical novels. Did love for the genre helped the length of the texts grow? — miran

Day of Miran Hladnik. A Day in the Life of the Digital Humanities. 18. marec 2009. [Sprva dostopna na spletišču TaPOR Univerze v Alberti.[1]]